Occupational Health

Occupational health is improving the working conditions and other aspects of the organization to check employee health & wellness. Recognizing and working towards it shows the organization’s commitment to employee health and health systems development. By following this approach, an organization addresses all determinants of their workers’ health, including risks for any work-related disease and injuries. Suppose any team member is going through an underlying condition, illness, or an injury, whether known or unknown to the company or the individual. In that case, the same can be identified through this program.

Approach Of Occupational Health

  • Devising & implementing policy instruments for workers’ betterment by health status of company, department wise, process wise(hazardous) and operation wise(dangerous).
  • Protecting & promoting a healthy and safe environment in the workplace.
  • Improving the performance of and access of an employee to occupational health services.
  • Providing & communicating the action and practice
  • Incorporating workers’ health into other policies.


  1. if we make policy of giving iron tablets to the low hemoglobin worker monthly. when hemoglobin increases man hour loss stops.
  2. Replacement of the low hazardous substance at the place of high hazardous substance.
Occupational Health

Challenges That Occupational Health Face

Challenges That Occupational Health Face
  • Defining and setting up medical examinations based on job/location/hazards.
  • Assigning and communicating the schedule of the same to employees.
  • Analyzing and generating a detailed report from the collected data.
  • Reporting in multiple formats & perspectives as per department, demographics, risk, and business function area.
  • Providing and sharing multiple reports to employees, supervisors, and the HR department.
  • Creating and tracking compliance as per the need of the organization.

Important Features To Combat These Challenges

  • Vision reports
  • OPD reporting
  • Blood reports
  • Accurate government reports with accurate data and photograph (Worker/Employee)
  • OPD management
  • Historical health record of each employee
  • Generation of health cards
  • Health check-up schedule display
  • Time-saving check-up process
  • Integration with reporting tools (ex:- Microsoft Excel) with report wise & department wise segregation
  • Accurate master data
  • Enhance reporting structure
  • All reports of PFT, ECG, Comparison X-RAY, AUDIOMETRY and BLOOD etc.
Important Features To Combat These Challenges
End to End Solution

Lowers costs through accident reduction, insurance savings, compliance efficiency, and streamlined operations


Solution adapts to your unique needs, enhancing effectiveness and efficiency in occupational health management

Cost Effective

Solution optimizes occupational health management, reducing expenses and enhancing overall efficiency.

Enhanced Safety

With a comprehensive solution that prioritizes employee well-being, reducing risks and promoting a secure work environment.

We have Approved Certificate of CFR title part 11 compliance and ISO 9001:2015