General Questions

What is Occupational Healthcare Management Software?

Occupational Healthcare Management Software is a comprehensive digital solution designed to manage and optimize various aspects of employee health and safety in the workplace, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

What are the main benefits of using your software?

Our software streamlines health record management, reduces workplace accidents, enhances compliance, and improves overall health and safety.

Is your software suitable for businesses of all sizes?

Yes, our software is scalable and can be tailored to the needs of businesses, regardless of their size.

Is data in the software secure?

Absolutely. We prioritize data security and utilize encryption and access controls to safeguard sensitive information.

Usage and Implementation

How do I get started with your software?

The first step is to contact us for a consultation. We’ll discuss your needs and guide you through the implementation process.

Is training provided for using the software?

Yes, we offer comprehensive training to ensure that you and your team can use our software effectively.

Can your software be integrated with our existing systems?

Yes, our software is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing HR and management systems.

Cost and Savings

How does your software contribute to cost savings?

Our software helps lower costs through accident reduction, insurance savings, compliance efficiency, and streamlined operations.

Are there any hidden costs or additional fees?

We provide transparent pricing, and any additional costs or fees will be discussed with you before implementation.

Support and Assistance

What kind of support do you offer after implementation?

We offer ongoing support to assist with any questions or issues you may encounter.

How can I contact your support team if I need assistance?

You can reach our support team by support@hasanui.com or 7046323322

Privacy and Security

How do you ensure data privacy and security?

We prioritize data security and employ encryption and access controls to protect sensitive information.

Do you share user data with third parties?

We do not share user data with third parties for independent marketing or business purposes.

End to End Solution

Lowers costs through accident reduction, insurance savings, compliance efficiency, and streamlined operations


Solution adapts to your unique needs, enhancing effectiveness and efficiency in occupational health management

Cost Effective

Solution optimizes occupational health management, reducing expenses and enhancing overall efficiency.

Enhanced Safety

With a comprehensive solution that prioritizes employee well-being, reducing risks and promoting a secure work environment.

We have Approved Certificate of CFR title part 11 compliance and ISO 9001:2015